NORMS: EN 45545, NF F 16-101/102, NFPA130
Requirements for fire behaviour of materials and components

MATERIALS EN45545 NF F 16-101/102 NFPA130
R1 R6 R7 R22 R23 R24 R26 I F COLOR
KELON B FR H2 CEG/500-V0CT3 - - - HL1-HL2-HL3 HL1-HL2-HL3 - - - - - -
LARAMID G/30-V0HF1 - - - HL1-HL2 HL1-HL2-HL3 - - - - - -
LARTON GCE/650 - - - HL1-HL2-HL3 HL1-HL2-HL3 - - I2 F2 Black / Nat -
LATAMID 6 H2 G/20-V2HF - - - HL1-HL2 HL1-HL2 - - I3 F2 Black / Nat -
LATIECO 62 CR H2 G/20-V2HF - - - HL1-HL2 HL1-HL2 - - - - - -
LATAMID 6 H2 G/30-V0HF1 - - - HL1-HL2 HL1-HL2-HL3 - - - - - -
LATAMID 6 H2 G/25-V2HF - - - HL1-HL2 HL1-HL2-HL3 - - - - - -
LATAMID 6 H2 G/30-V2HF - - - HL1-HL2 HL1-HL2 - - - - - -
LATAMID 6 H2 G/50-V0HF1 - - - HL1-HL2-HL3 HL1-HL2-HL3 - - - - - -
LATAMID 6 H-V0 - - - HL1-HL2-HL3 HL1-HL2-HL3 HL1-HL2-HL3 - I3 F2 Black / Nat Grey
LATAMID 66 B H-V0 - - - HL1-HL2 HL1-HL2-HL3 - - - - Nat -
LATAMID 66 H2 G/25-V0CT1 - - - HL1 HL1-HL2 - HL1-HL2-HL3 I2 F3 Black -
LATAMID 66 H2 G/25-V0CT4 - - - HL1-HL2-HL3 HL1-HL2-HL3 - - I2 F1 Grey Grey
LATAMID 66 H2 G/25-V0HF1 HL1-HL2 HL1-HL2

/ Fire Integrity

HL1-HL2-HL3 HL1-HL2-HL3 - HL1-HL2-HL3 - - - Nat / Black / Grey
LATAMID 66 H2 G/25-V0KB1 - - - - - - HL1-HL2-HL3 - - - -
LATAMID 66 H2 G/25-V0KB3 - - - HL1-HL2 HL1-HL2 - - - - - -
LATAMID 66 H2 G/50-V0HF1 HL1-HL2 HL1-HL2 HL1-HL2 HL1-HL2-HL3 HL1-HL2-HL3 - - - - - -
LATAMID 68 H2-V0 - - - HL1-HL2-HL3 HL1-HL2-HL3 - - I3 F2 Grey Grey
LATENE 7H2W-V0 - HL1-HL2-HL3 - HL1-HL2-HL3 HL1-HL2-HL3 - - - - - -
LATER 4 G/30-V0 - - - - HL1 - - - - - -
LATER 4 G/30-V0CT2 - - - HL1 HL1-HL2 - - - - - -
LATER 4 G/30-V0HF1 - - - HL1 HL1-HL2 - - - - - -
LATICONTHER 80 GR/50 - - - HL1-HL2 HL1-HL2-HL3 - - - - - -
LATIECO 66 MR H2 G/25-V0KB3 - - - HL1-HL2 HL1-HL2 - - - - - -
LATILON 28D G/20 - - - HL1-HL2-HL3 HL1-HL2-HL3 - - - - - -
LATILUB 80-10T Y/15 - - - - HL1 - - - - - -
LATILUB 87/28-12T G/20 - - - HL1-HL2 HL1-HL2 - - - - - -

EN 45545

European norms (EN) related to applications in the railway sector, fully implemented during 2013.
Depending on the type of train (urban, suburban, long distance) and rolling stocks (driver cabin, locomotor, carriages etc), the requested ratings are established.
The selection of the correct material is based on their fire behaviour with regard to reaction to fires, and on the opacity of smokes and toxicity of the gases emitted.

NF F16 101/102

French standards for applications in the railway sector.
Depending on the type of train ( urban, suburban, long distance ) and rolling stocks (driver cabin, locomotor, carriages etc ), the requested ratings are established.
The selection of the correct material is based on their fire behaviour with regard to reaction to fires, with LOIand GWT tests, and on the opacity of smokes and toxicity of the gases emitted. Endorsed by SNCF ( Société nationale des chemins de fer francais)

NFPA 130

NFPA 130 is a set of rules and regulations for the US market.
Considering applied tests and requirements, NFPA 130 is meeting a remarkable diffusion also in different markets, as China and South America.
The selection of the correct material is based on their fire behaviour with regard to reaction to fires, and on the opacity of smokes and toxicity of the gases emitted.

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